About Me

Welcome to my story. My beautiful mess. This isn't a story that I ever thought would be mine, but here I am.

I am a wife to an amazing man and my biggest supporter. I am a mom to two children. One I hold in my arms and one in my heart. My daughter is a beautiful, vibrant, and peppery two year old. She is my sunshine. My son died in utero at exactly 36 weeks and was delivered the following day on September 17th, 2014. 

This blog is inspired by the recent loss of our son, Sawyer. It is my hope that through writing I will be able to track my grieving journey, and that I will find peace and healing through writing. I don't anticipate this blog to be found by many. At this time I will not be publicly sharing my posts. For now, it is a private place where I can store my feelings. If you have stumbled across it by searching horrible terms on the internet such as 'stillborn, stillbirth, infant death, ect.' I am so very sorry that you have found me and I am even more sorry for your loss. I hope my journey brings you some sort of comfort knowing that you are not alone as others have given me strength and comfort through writing about their loss.

I can't say for sure what this blog will turn into. Random posts about loss, letters to my son, a daily log, feelings of anger, feelings of happiness, parenting after loss - everything. There is no agenda.


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